Monday, November 26, 2012

my love for evil

[click on image for source]

I don't mean to sound weird but when I see my favourite brand,
Evil Twin, have just released a new collection I get giddy.
There's something so profoundly wonderful and offbeat about Evil
Twin that I haven't found another label to match it, and oh so affordable!

I realise I've neglected you all of late and I though what better way to 
make it up to you than by showing the lovely clothes Evil Twin has
to offer? I will update you on my shenanigans, but bare with me
during this hectic time of my life.

Funny how what is normally a blissful easy time (holidays) 
aren't quite to easy. 

Much love. 


  1. I had never heard of this brand before, but I think I may have just fallen in love!

    <3 Melissa

  2. I was unaware of this brand also but I'm in love with the last two looks; the yellow pop is perfect.

    1. The yellow is without a doubt my favourite as well!

      a - x


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